China mica sheet 1mm electrical heat resistant insulation mica - China Supplier
China mica sheet 1mm electrical heat resistant insulation mica - China Supplier China mica sheet 1mm electrical heat resistant insulation mica - China Supplier

mica sheet 1mm electrical heat resistant insulation mica

Price:$4 /kg
Industry Category: Electrical-Equipment-Supplies/Electrical-Plugs-Sockets
Product Category:
Brand: Youda

Contact Info
  • Add:No.110-3, Hongrun Road, Yuhong, Shenyang, China, Zip: 110000
  • Contact: Helen
  • Tel:18309830487

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Additional Information

Mica Sheets: Rigid
Rigid mica Sheets are based on either muscovite or phlogopite mica paper bonded with a high quality heat resisting silicone resin. These plates or punched parts are widely used in heating elements for industrial and household appliances which require at least one of the following properties: excellent resistance to heat up to 1000 °C, excellent electrical insulation; excellent microwave permeability; excellent punchability; high edge strength; environmentally safe and non-toxic.

Mica Sheets: Flexible
Several layers of resin impregnated mica paper are pressed under heat high pressure to form flexible sheet. I
t is widely used in hairdryers, space heaters, circuit breakers, and transformers. It is used as sheathing or covering, and also as a separator or insulation foil. Its spring power is used in some applications. Flexible Mica sheets can be formed at room temperature and are entirely free of asbestos. The material can be cut to size without any problem, either by shearing or die-stamping.These sheets can withstand temperatures ranging up to 1000°C.


Mica Sheets: Epoxy-Bonded
Epoxy mica sheets consist of muscovite or phlogopite mica paper, impregnated with a specially selected epoxy resin. This product is a hard, dense mica sheet for use in segments, separators, and spacers. It exhibits good electrical properties, mechanical strength, excellent moisture resistance, and can be sawed, sheared and punched into intricate shapes using good commercial practice. Because of its superior uniformity, automatic feeding and stacking are possible for cost savings in high-speed assembly operations.

Industry Category Electrical-Equipment-Supplies/Electrical-Plugs-Sockets
Product Category
Brand: Youda
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